Our Athletics Program relies on volunteer staff and parent coaches. If you are interested in coaching any of our Athletic Programs, please contact Monterey’s Athletic Director, Jason Gammon, at jgammon@sd61.bc.ca
Monterey has an excellent reputation for its strong and well-organized extra-curricular Athletics Program, which includes cross country running, basketball, volleyball, field hockey, rugby, ultimate frisbee and track and field. This is thanks to the value placed on athletics in the Oak Bay community as well as the dedication of Mr. Gammon as Athletic Director, the commitment of our many teachers, parents, and community coaches and the support provided by our Student Athletic Leadership Program. While there is certainly a competitive aspect to the Athletics Program, as we play against schools throughout the district and southern Vancouver Island, the main focus at the middle school level is on participation, skill development, furthering personal fitness and exploring different types of sports.
For more information on middle school athletics in SD61 please go to the Lower Island Middle Schools Sports Association (LIMSSA) website: https://lowerislandschoolsports.ca/middle-schools/
For upcoming & current Athletics activities, see weekly “Monterey Athletics” link above.
BC Rugby has scheduled a Level 1 referee course on Sunday, March 2nd at the James Bay club in Victoria. Info on that is here https://bcrugby.com/register-now-for-level-1-officiating-courses-in-early-2025/ and here https://rugbycanada.sportsmanager.ie/sportlomo/registration/event-registration/index/6