Monterey Middle School has a population of approximately 420 students with 40 teaching and support staff. We are located in a vibrant and supportive community which places a high value on education and its schools. Monterey features all the hallmarks of an exemplary middle school where we work to build a positive school environment, and support the success of all our students.
At Monterey, we strive to have our learners engaged in powerful learning activities. We work together to think critically, explore opportunities, discover talents and put our hearts and minds to work! Our community embraces the Monterey “STORM”: Keep Safe, Think Team, Own your Actions, Show Respect and Make a Difference. Along with our innovative and engaging Academic programs, our extensive exploratory program, and special “Brainstorm” enrichment activities, Athletics, Music, Student Leadership, Art, and Drama are all popular areas of focus at Monterey.
At Monterey, we are proud of our positive school environment and the success of our students, and we continue to explore and implement programs and activities that further student growth, learning, and achievement.
Topher Macintosh Paul Stevenson
Principal Vice Principal
School Hours
8:40 AM – 2:50 PM Monday – Friday
Nutrition Break: 9:48 AM – 10:03AM
Lunch: 11:55 PM – 12:40 PM
Dismissal: 2:50 PM